Friday, June 13, 2008


Ross and Monica's parents were the most frequent guest-stars. They were played by Elliott Gould and Christina Pickles.

Rachel's parents, Marlo Thomas and Ron Leibman, were together in episode Friends: The One with the Two Parties (#2.22), in which they announced they're divorcing. They appeared separately a few times afterwards.

Joey's parents, Brenda Vaccaro and Robert Costanzo, appeared in only one episode Friends: The One with the Boobies (#1.13) in which Joey finds out his father is cheating on his mother.

In Friends: The One at the Beach (#3.25) Phoebe meets her birth mother, Teri Garr. She appeared in two additional episodes. She discovers Bob Balaban is her biological father in Friends: The One with Joey's Bag (#5.13).

Chandler's mother was Morgan Fairchild and his frequently referenced drag-queen father was ultimately played by actress Kathleen Turner.

The group that sings/plays the theme song is The Rembrandts. Grammy nominated duo Phil Solem and Danny Wilde.

The full lyrics are: Smelly cat, smelly cat/ What are they feeding you?/ Smelly cat, smelly cat/ It's not your fault/

They won't take you to the vet/ You're obviously not their favorite pet/ You may not be a bed of roses/ And you're no friend to those with noses/

Smelly cat...

And if you're looking for the guitar chords, it's just E-A-D-A-E over and over.

In the episode (can't remember exactly which) where all the gang go to London for Ross and Emily's wedding, Phoebe stays behind in NY because she is pregnant and cannot fly out to London. So they guys (Chandler and Joey) ask her to feed the chick and the duck. although we never see this or the fact they die, we see a scene in which Phoebe is on the phone to Joey and he says "you've been taking care of the chick and the duck?" and the camera shots back to a startled Phoebe and you're supposed to realise she forgot about them and that's how they die.

Update--The chick and duck are seen in later episodes, such as when Elle McPherson was Joey's roommate in Season 5, so they didn't die while everyone was in London.

Update #2-- Its also mentioned later that Chandler "takes them to a farm" or something similar, (implying that he actually sold them back to a pet store, or that they did eventually die)

Update #3 -- The chick and the duck died, though we didn't really get to see or know how they died. In the last episode when Joey bought Chick Jr. and Duck Jr. for Chandler & Monica's new home, it was said that Chandler brought them to a farm. Later Rachel came and said "Didn't they died--?" She didn't managed to finished the sentence since Phoebe cut her off. Afraid that Joey would learn the truth about the their fate.

That is U2's With or Without You. The song was also playing at the bar in TOW Ross and Rachel Take a Break.

Pretty much, Chandler was saying that Joey was pushing the q-tip past the resistance point, and hitting his brain. If Joey would stop at the resistance, he wouldn't be so stupid. Q tip is the name used in the US for cotton buds.

You can find track listings at just click on the questions to find the songs.

Well, Rachel's middle name is Karen, and was 24 in the pilot and 34 in the finale. Ross's middle name is Eugene, and was 27 in the pilot and 37 in the finale. Monica's middle name is Elizabeth, and was 25 in the pilot and 35 in the finale. Joey's middle name is Francis, and was 26 in the pilot and 36 in the finale. Chandler's middle name is Muriel, and was also 26 in the pilot and 36 in the finale. Phoebe's middle name is never mentioned in the show (since Ursula (who's middle name is Pamela) sold Phoebe's birth certificate), and was 25 in the pilot and 35 in the finale.

Update #1 - In TOW They All Turn 30, Phoebe learns from Ursula that she is actually a year older than she thought she was. As a result, she is at least 36 in the season finale.

Update #2 - In TOW the Birth (end of season one) Monica says that she is 26. In that same episode, Joey says that he is 25. Since Monica and Rachel were in the same grade in school, we can assume that their birthdays are within a year of each other, meaning that Joey's would fall within the months between the two. He is no older than 25 in the pilot.

No, it is not true. The creators and cast members have all agreed that there will not be a reunion episode, or new season in the near future.

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